Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hey account here! There are a lot of updates I need to post about. first off beta is over and the launch party was a success! The Wiglington and Wenks team have now created a Wiglington time zone which is to the left of your playing screen! Which is excellent if you wanna hang out with friends on the game you can just say Wilglington time. As of the night before launch the Travelers Hall of Fame came out. Now you can get your travelers passport and Travel to five new locations!

Here is a picture of the five new locations that you may travel to once you take the travelers passport test.

To get your travelers passport go to the Travelers Academy, then go in the learning hall and speak with Mr. Biggles and click I am ready. Then you will began taking the travelers passport test

Now once you start traveling you will be able to find more things for your wiki, famous people from the past, and of course every time you log in you get traveler points. If you have one of the Highest amount of travelers point or the highest you will go in the hall of fame which is in the Hall of Fame room in Wiglington town.

The Wiglington clock looks like this incase you were curious

Now start traveling won't you!:) Have a good time.

Travel On!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hi everyone lots of updates today! First of Wiglington and Wenks servers are both decorated for Christmas!
Also The Wiglington and Wenks team have came out with nine exclusive items for your wiki. I will show you wear to get them.
To get this one click the monolith in the town center.

To get this one click the torch outside the buy an island shop.

To get this item click in between the movie theater and bank.

To get this item click the golden statue.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Use the report button!

Hello account here! Today I would like to tell you there is now a report button! You can use it to report someone for breaking the Wiglington and Wenks rules. Do not mistreat this button though because the moderators see all the reports coming in and can watch a tape of the game and see if that person really should be reported. Also do not report someone right of the bat because have a mod talk to them to give them a second chance, but if they misbehave again then go on and report them. Hope this helped you.:)

Monday, November 23, 2009


Hi everyone account here. Guess what its snowing on Wiglington and Wenks as you can see when you go on the game! Soon we will be able to get our passports and be able to travel to Madagascar first! We will be able to take the test to get our passport on December 24th,2009. Can't wait! Travel On! ~account~

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wiglington and Wenks

Hi everyone there are some Wiglington and Wenks products you can buy coming soon

Travel On!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Hey everyone account here,I just wanted to show you the badge of ranks on Wiglington and Wenks the silver is for Moderators ,which is Trey,Mfruit,and Daniel. The bronze is for aspiring travelers or everyone else in the game . I found a gold badge ,but I don't know what it is for. Also to see your badge go to your wiki.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hey everyone account here there is a new server called wenks go check it out more of the population tends to like wiglington better haha.

Travel on!

~account~ :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

First Post!

Hey everyone if your looking at this blog you most likely play Wiglington and Wenks! If not then you should it's a virtual world based on the books. Well, anyways my screen-name on the the game is account and I will be posting the new updates that go on in the game. It should be fun and I hope you continue to visit my website.

Travel On!

also in-case if you see me on Wiglington and Wenks and wanna give a shout,or more importantly you need help,or tour. This is what my character currently looks like